Gonna be using this page to shove all my OC stuff into. Very early WIP. Grins!


Made this entire page. Yay.

To the left you can see Agnes (my grouch who I don't know very well), and to the right you can see Mary. Anyways,

Story context

Mary is a 24 year old gas station employee with violent, obsessive tendencies and "connection" as her ultimate goal. She loves pathetic people, and loves terrorizing them even more.

She grew up in a very strict environment, where she couldn't do, well... anything, really.

About a year ago, at a critical moment in her life, she was offered a second chance.

Following a light in the woods, her brain begins to itch, consumed by the gentle, nonsensical whispers of what could be nothing but an angel.

A gift?

"Oh, why are humans always so paranoid...? Really, I'm just trying to be kind."

A gift for which she would have to give up every connection she'd made so far: family, friends, classmates; every single memory of her gone, her existence wiped from their lives, dead to them all. All in exchange for the ability to "share" her self with others.

"Yes, share. A tiny cut will do, on the both of you, and once you press your wounds together, as you bleed into each other - as you bleed into them, you will heal them, reconstruct them. Make their body your own. Make them yours."

"It may be a hard choice, but I think it's a pretty good deal."

"So, what do you say?"


"Ah, of course. Why'd I even ask?"

Making this has been fun, but I hold no whimsy or design capabilities within me, so it's not super polished, but... it's not too ugly either (I think). Same goes for my writing.

I'd love to have put all the style elements in a separate .css file, but I had trouble getting the html page to update with it, so I guess I'll just have it all in one place for now, like some sort of idiot.

There's a lot more I could say about Mary (and Agnes, and everyone else), but I'd have to use my brain for that. Oh well!!!

Hide and seek!